Sunday, August 2, 2009

Batting 7th

When I played softball, I liked hitting 7th. Not just that, but I actually didn't like hitting in the top 5 positions. I didn't like hitting 9th either. (In softball, the 9th hitter is usually really fast, so I didn't have a chance of hitting 9th.) But, yeah, if the coach ever announced the lineup and I was one of the first 5 names listed, I started freaking out inside.

You see, if you bat at the top of the lineup (or 9th, in softball) people generally assume you will get on base. And it wasn’t that I was incapable of getting on base or a bad hitter. At times, I was actually a decent hitter. Now, I was never even close to the best hitter on the team (I was there for my glove), but I could string a few hits together now and then. The problem was somehow my position in the lineup had a direct effect on the pressure I felt before the game.

It all came down to expectations. I felt that if I hit at the top of the lineup, I was expected to get on base. If I got to hit 7th, I wasn’t expected to get on base. If I did get on base, it was a pleasant surprise. I had surpassed my expectations.

And that’s what I like to do – surpass expectations. But surpassing expectations is easy when nothing is expected of you. And, honestly, I like it that way. Wow, that’s even worse to read than say. I like when nothing is expected because it’s easy to succeed. There it is.

But the thing is, in reality, we all have expectations placed on us. Even if they are low, someone places some type of expectation on us. We place expectations on ourselves. And God has expectations of us.

Expectation is no reason to have anxiety, though. Most expectations of us are placed there for a reason. Now, some expectations are unrealistic. I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about when people place expectations on you based on the God-given talents and potential they see in you.

Expectation is not a bad thing. Allow it to point you and others back to God. He created us. He created the potential that others see in us. Expectation is for His glory. Give it to Him. Don’t waste the opportunity to give Him glory by letting your anxiety rule. Allow God to take your anxiety and the glory.

‘Everyone to whom much was given, much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.’ Luke 11:48

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