Monday, December 27, 2010

More Singles' Laughs from SCL

As if Surviving Church as a Single wasn't enough, Jon Acuff gave it a holiday twist. This post is hilarious and I thought I'd share my favorites.

4. With bated breath, they ask, “Should I put you down as +1 for the Christmas party this year?” = +2 points
I didn't get this one this year, but numerous times I've been asked if I was bringing anyone home with me.

20. A friend you only see once a year during the holidays, uses the S word when hearing you’re single. “Still?” = +1 point
I haven't gotten this exactly, but I've heard something close to this.

21. People spend an exorbitant amount of time telling you marriage success stories, e.g. “The instant my friend Jill stopped looking for a boyfriend this incredible guy came along and swept her off her feet.” = + 1 point
This one might be my favorite.

28. For Christmas, your friends bought you an annual pass to or another dating site. = + 5 points
Hasn't happened yet, but my sister did mention

29. They filled out your dating profile for you and made you sound 97% more awesome than you actually are. = +10 points
She may have already done this...

31. At a Christmas party, someone tells you the wildly inappropriate compliment, “Where were you when I was single?” = + 2 points
Haven't gotten this exact phrase, but trust me, there are plenty of inappropriate comments along these lines.


  1. Hey -- you ever see the dating game video from Tripp Crosby?

    Top right corner.
