Saturday, August 24, 2013

Round 2

And we're off again...

After about a week and a half break, we started our fall semester this past Wednesday.  Break was great.  I got to spend time with family in VA, especially this guy:

Time with family was really nice and then I got to visit friends in Greenville.  I went hiking, had a cookout, checked back in at work, met up with several friends, and got to worship at Grace.  It was quite a refreshing break.  Even though it felt pretty long, after one day of class, I realized it wasn't long enough.

Ready or not, though, we're hitting the ground running on a new semester...which means only 3 semesters and less than 11 months until rotations.

This semester, we start studying pathologies by organ systems.  So most of our classes will all cover similar topics just from different angles.  For those that are curious, here's what I'm taking:

- Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine
- Clinical Problem Solving
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- Pathophysiology
- Physical Diagnosis
- Research Methods
- Community Health

We're starting with dermatology and moving on from there to EENT, endocrinology, hematology, and cardiology.  That takes us to the end of the semester...and still leaves me waiting with great anticipation for ortho - when I hope to feel like I have a slight handle on things. :)


  1. Hang in there! Hope to talk to you, & see you, soon.

  2. Hope to see y'all soon, too! Maybe after my first set of exams (2 weeks) I'll make it over to Allendale.
