Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Birthday Blog

So tomorrow marks 1/4 century in the life of Cristin.  Kinda crazy.  25 sounds very adult.  Not having a job doesn't - but we won't go into that now.  I was thinking about past birthday celebrations, because I was going to try to list as many as I could, but it turns out I can't remember a lot of them (Carlyn, no comments about my 18th.  I remember).  

One of my favorites was in elementary school, maybe 2nd grade, with my grandmother, Erma.  You see, every year, Erma would plan an outing for each of the grandchildren on their birthday (Williamsburg, Jamestown, The Mariner's Museum, etc).  It was cool as a kid, but I appreciate it much more now.  This one particular birthday, she took me to the Ft. Monroe Officer's Club for lunch.  I don't remember much about lunch, but Erma said that they had nothing on the menu I would eat, so the chef made me a hamburger and fries and they brought ketchup out in a silver goblet.  All I remember is this delicious chocolate raspberry cake they brought out for me.  Amazing.  I know I have a picture this event somewhere, but I can't find it. 

I've had 2 surprise parties that I can remember.  One was when I was like 8 or 9, I guess.  My mom and dad planned a surprise party for me after my swim lessons.  They didn't know who to invite, I guess, so they just invited my whole class and a few more people.  As a result the only thing I remember about that birthday was that I came straight from the pool to my house for the party and there were a lot of kids I didn't like there.

The second surprise party was when I was 22.  Byron and Erica took me out to dinner and then when I got back to the apartment, there was a party.  DiAnna followed me around with the video camera, which I didn't like.  Side note:  Byron isn't a very good sneaky surpriser. :)

Coincidentally that year, my actual birthday fell on the SuperBowl, so about 30 people sang Happy Birthday to me at the party.  If you know me, you know how much I enjoyed all that attention. :)

I spent 2 birthdays overseas - one in China (23) and one in Thailand (24).  They were both really fun and memorable.  On my 23rd, I had a 2 cakes, plus an awesome french toast breakfast.  We listened to the SuperBowl that morning (12 hrs ahead) and went to a really good restaurant for dinner.  Then we had coffee at this revolving restaurant where we could see the whole city.  Pretty sweet.

In Thailand, my awesome sistah, Mariah, provided a crown, sash, and scepter for me to wear to all of our meetings.  Then we got to go to Starbucks that night to celebrate.  They lit a stirrer in a muffin for my cake and candle.  Nice.

We'll see what this year brings.  :)


  1. EXCUSE ME only 2 suprise parties..I believe that we threw you a Suprise 14th or 15th at Smith Lane..i just happen to invite all my friends.

  2. Haha, oh yeah. And I believe one of your friends made us listen to that Lonestar song 'Smile' over and over while she cried about her ex-boyfriend. Quite a memorable day.
