Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's August? For Real?

Where did summer go? (I realize that I live in SC and summer still has about 2 months left, but with school and football starting , it feels like fall is right around the corner.) This summer has been so crazy, but wonderful at the same time. I've been super busy and tired for most of the summer, but it's been worth it. I can't honestly say I've loved every minute of it, but overall it's been a great summer filled with old and new friends. And maybe one of the best parts is that Greenville feels so much like home to me now, every time I left town, I was excited to come back to my church, my friends, and my house.

So what have I been up to? Let's see...
- National Athletic training conference in Philly - where I got to spend time with my dear cousin, Whitney, and also see her brother Johnny and his family.

- Bachelorette weekend for Elizabeth at Douglas lake outside of Knoxville, TN.
- Peikou's wedding in Louisville, KY, where I also got to see some great friends and go to the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory.

- My cousins, Jennifer and Polo, and their daughter, Gracie, came to visit and we went to the Atlanta Aquarium.
- Bahamas mission trip with the emosewa Wafuasi and Dioko peeps from Grace Church. (Had to steal one of Sabrina's pictures for this because on this trip my camera started to get moody...then it broke.)
- Elizabeth and Rusty's wedding in Knoxville, TN. (My camera was pretty useless for the majority of this trip, as well, but I did get a couple good pictures.)
- Started a new job.
- Rob and Renae's engagement party in Columbia (where I took no pictures).

Yeah, so that's what's been going on. I'm going to try to catch up on some blogs I've been wanting to write throughout the summer (we'll see how that goes). God has been teaching me things and showing me things from new perspectives in my life lately, and I'd really like to share some of those thoughts. Hopefully I'll make the time to do that soon.

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