Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thankful - Blessings

Many of the things I ask God for, I never get - at least not the way I imagined. Many times the answer to my prayer is "no." I am so thankful for that. As I look back at all of the things God has mercifully said "no" to in my life, the reason He said "no" is so clear. Either I was not ready for them at the time or just didn't need them in my life at all, ever.

All of those "no" answers are blessings.

It's hard to see that in the moment, though, when I'm in the midst of a situation I believe I know the answer to. It's hard to see that when I think that one thing is just what I need in my life. It's hard to trust that God knows me better than I know myself and knows what I need more than I do. But that's just what I need to do.

In the midst of prayer, no matter how desperate or how sure I am of what I'm praying about, I need to remember that any answer God gives me is a blessing.

That's why I love this song. I first heard it when I was in Nicaragua - a teammate played it during devotions. Then, shortly after that, another friend emailed out the lyrics. I've heard it a few times since then, and this past week listened to it several times. It's such a great reminder of our Sovereign Lord's merciful hand in our lives - loving, sanctifying, and drawing us closer to Him.


  1. Lee Anne was right, I do enjoy your blog! I love this song, too!

  2. Thanks, Sara! I checked out your blog and learned more that I will be able to retain. :)
