Monday, September 5, 2011

Pray, Sit, Watch, Listen

At our leadership dinner the other night at Grace Church, Matt Williams was talking about a particular ministry opportunity we may have in the future.  He shared how God seemed to be leading us in a certain direction with this opportunity, but there has been no “burning bush” moment, no audible voice regarding it.  So, he said, we will continue to pray, let it sit out there, and watch for doors to open or close.

This is essentially what I am doing right now with several things in my life.  I feel like God has started prompting me to make some movements in regards to missions and ministry, but I don’t feel like I have definite direction.  There seem to be several “options” out there, but I’m not sure which is the right one.  It’s possible that none of them is actually the correct direction.  That is easily an overwhelming thought for me.  Much anxiety surrounds the unknown and decisions about the future.

So when Matt shared where the church was and what we are doing in regards to this particular opportunity, I was comforted and encouraged.  I don’t feel so lost without all of the answers and I don’t feel like I’m proceeding or waiting in error.  God has called me to take some small steps in a few different directions, and I know that He will soon ask me to take some bigger steps.  With these steps, though, comes instruction.  As I move, God teaches.  My job is to listen.

Listening sometimes is the hardest part for me.  Action makes me feel productive.  Action feeds the achiever in me.  It is often a struggle for me to sit, pray, watch and listen.  But unless I can stop the busyness and quite myself, hearing from God is almost impossible.  And listening is imperative.  I feel like I’m on the cusp of change, but the direction is unknown.  God is giving me direction one step at a time.  I need to hear from Him.

So as I move, with each step, I must pause.  Pray, sit, watch, and listen.

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed, "unless I can stop the busyness, hearing from God is impossible." Gotta say I can totally relate on that point. Excited for your upcoming short-term adventure! Praying...
