Monday, April 25, 2011

Picture of Obedience to Christ

I wrote yesterday about celebrating baptism at Grace Church. Baptism services are always so special to me and I usually cry…sometimes a lot. This weekend was no different. But I kind of cheated.

I saw Saturday night that they were putting the baptism videos on our pastor’s blog, so I watched them all Sunday morning before church. It was fantastic. One video made me more emotional than all of the others, though. Usually it’s hearing small children explain the Gospel that gets me, but this time it wasn’t.

One of our high school students began sharing how he became a follower of Christ. He spoke of how he always knew a little about God and Jesus, but never saw the need for God in his life. Then he shared the turning point for him – hearing another high school student share how Christ completely changed his life. That’s pretty much when I lost it.

I couldn’t stop the tears from coming as I thought of how these two teenagers have given us a beautiful picture of obedience to Christ, discipleship, and inviting others to join. I didn’t know the first student before he became a Christ follower, but I know that hours and hours were poured into him by leaders and friends. I know that it was a difficult process. And though I didn’t get to see the whole process, I get to see the result – a young leader growing daily in Christ, and inviting others to do the same.

Faithfulness by many in this teenager’s life led to the salvation of a peer. And this is just one life that he touched. I don’t know either young man very well, but I know that they are both natural leaders. They have it in them – the ability to impact and lead people. Now, they are leading people to Christ.

I know they will still struggle. I know they will fall. I know they won’t always succeed. But I pray they will continue to live lives sold out to Christ. I pray that they will continue to be an example to all of us – young and old – of what Christ calls us to.

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. – 1 Timothy 4.12

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