Monday, April 11, 2011

Sometimes We Just Need to Move

I think too often we trust our hearts much more than we should. Even when we know our hearts are in the wrong place, we believe that’s where the change will begin; where the good will come from. The Bible doesn’t say that.

But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. – Matthew 15.18-19

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? – Jeremiah 17.9

What we should rely on for change is the redemptive and regenerate work of Christ through the Holy Spirit. Christ cares about the condition of our hearts. He came to bring salvation and rebirth – that includes our hearts. I’m just not sure we have paid much attention to examples of change in the Bible or to Christ’s words.

We wait after hearing God’s call, believing or hoping that He will change our hearts on things before we are required to move or act, but that’s not the case.

Jesus didn’t instruct His first disciples to sit, think, and pray about following Him, and then when their hearts were right to come join Him. No, He just said, “Follow me,” (Matt. 4.7, 9.9; John 1.43)

He gives similar instruction to anyone who would be called His disciple. There is the same urgency; the same call to follow.

…”If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” – Matt. 16.24

He doesn’t say think about it and when it feels right, take up your cross and follow. He says deny yourself, now, and take up your cross. He knows that our hearts will follow. He knows that what He has in store for us is better than anything we could plan ourselves, but he knows that in order to get there, we must get past ourselves.

Jesus isn’t about behavior modification. That’s not what this is about. Jesus cares deeply for our souls, but He knows that our hearts and souls are connected to our bodies. Our bodies can lead our hearts – either toward sin or toward Christ.

Has God showed you a particular sin in your life that you need to give up? Don’t wait until your heart is “ready” – it may never be. Just move. Is God leading you through an open door for a new ministry? Certainly take time to ask God for discernment and understanding of His call, but don’t expect your heart to fully be on board before you start. Your passion for it may never have an opportunity to flourish if you never experience it. Just move. Is God asking you to adopt or renew a discipline in your life? Don’t wait for your heart to get excited about it. Discipline means work, and that’s hard to get excited about. Just move.

There are times when our hearts are moved to change before our actions, but many times it is the willful act of discipline in the physical realm that leads our hearts to follow Christ with greater abandon. Sometimes we just need to move.


  1. We ARE moving. And so glad you are helping!

  2. Is this a passive response to one of my posts? haha :-p
