Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Personality (Part 1)

So I’ve been going through materials from “Foundations” at Grace Church (it’s a study on the core values of my church). In looking at the ‘Relationally Connected’ section, one of the suggestions for growth was to take a personality test to see how you might relate to others and how others perceive you. Well, that stuff is so interesting to me, and since yet another of Greenville’s famous blizzards has given me the day off work, I decided to take a couple online tests.

These things really get more interesting every time I look at them. God is amazing. He creates us all so uniquely and purposefully (Psalm 139.13-16). He even gave psychologists amazing and inquisitive brains to study people and come up with personality types. I am so thankful for the work that people have put in to help me learn more about myself and why I do/think the way I do.

The first test I took (and liked the best) is here if you want to take it (it doesn’t take long):


The results told me I was INFJ (which I think I knew from a previous test). Specifically, according to this test, I am Moderately/33% Introverted, Moderately/38% iNtuitive, Moderately/38% Feeling, and Very/78% Judging.

The results were interesting, but most interesting to me were the short essays/explanations of my personality type that the test results gave me links to. God has been speaking to me a lot lately about my abilities and Spiritual Gifts (which are two different/separate things), and I have been praying about how these gifts are to be used. I’ve been asking God to show me how He wants to work through me and through the gifts He has given me. I feel like the insight into my personality type will help me analyze myself and continue to pray through using my gifts.

I don’t want to write a huge post, but I do want to post the results. So I think I’m going to break it up into a few manageable chunks and post them separately. If you have some time to take the test and want to put it on your blog (or Facebook note), post the link here so we can read them. I think it would be interesting to see.

1 comment:

  1. ENTJ: 33 12 38 56 ... was a T in high school, then became an F i think, now back to T. Used to be extreme with the E and J though.. glad it's more moderate. :-) liz
